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circumcision_is_theft genital_mutilation slavery src:Ismail_Khair surgical_body_mod violation // 700x1231 // 74.6KB Date     User LaurieSees     Rating Unrated
Tags circumcision_is_theft genital_mutilation slavery src:Ismail_Khair surgical_body_mod violation




complication degloving gross_mutilation infant_genital_mutilation risk social_media story surgery surgical_body_mod torture // 625x401 // 40.8KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags complication degloving gross_mutilation infant_genital_mutilation risk social_media story surgery surgical_body_mod torture


A doctor wrote this letter to a medical journal about the common complication of infant circumcision that is degloving of all the skin off of the boy's penis. http://www.aafp.org/afp/1999/0515/p2724.html#afp19990515p2724-sa2


circumcision_trauma genital_mutilation mental_disorder society trauma violation // 350x665 // 93.6KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags circumcision_trauma genital_mutilation mental_disorder society trauma violation


The study they commissioned was apparently Cansever (1965).


doctor evolution intactivist_doctor // 720x437 // 47.7KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags doctor evolution intactivist_doctor


This is inaccurate. As the research of Taves (2002) and Cold and McGrath (1999) show, the human foreskin is actually more evolved than the simpler prepuces of other mammals. All mammals have prepuces, but the foreskin is uniquely human.