endmgm.org | Intactivist Memes


Facebook // 932x614 // 477.5KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags Facebook


If the meme in this image were taken and used in another context it would be a good counter-op.


Charlie_Hebdo medical // 448x442 // 41.0KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags Charlie_Hebdo medical


Interesting photoshop to remove the mohel/Jewish element from the original Charlie Hebdo cartoon and apply it to America.


Intact_Asheville memory_argument // 480x469 // 49.9KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags Intact_Asheville memory_argument


Great meme. Font color and contrast is great, "this present moment" is emphasized, and the censorship makes it safe for social media.


free_speech // 320x319 // 20.8KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags free_speech


Bad meme, low quality, and it's really a virtue signal to other intactivists than an "own" on cutters.


advice_animal mgm-fgm_comparison // 576x576 // 43.3KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags advice_animal mgm-fgm_comparison


Great meme but it could have been less wordy, such as "Opposes circumcision of Muslim girls and black girls" "Had you circumcised at birth".


peace wordy // 480x320 // 26.4KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags peace wordy


Bad meme. It's all words and conveys no argument.


diarrhea history hiv masturbation phimosis syphilis uti // 720x266 // 44.8KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags diarrhea history hiv masturbation phimosis syphilis uti


Fantastic meme. I got this from Jonathon Conte before he passed away.


Saving_Our_Sons poem regret_parent // 960x821 // 103.0KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags Saving_Our_Sons poem regret_parent


Terrible meme. Too much text. No one is going to read that.
Alright, now that I've actually read it it's a nice poem, but still terrible in a meme format. It should look like this:

Blessed with a baby boy happy and whole,
he uses he lungs and I count all his toes.
He is fed from my breast and named with much thought,
but when his genitals came to mind no information was sought.

Daddy wants it to look like him,
grandma is waving the book claiming it's sin.
Mommy signs the papers, not knowing the truth.
They take you out, so perfect, it true.

When they brought you back something was wrong, What had I done? Why wasn't I told?
You were wounded, not only physically but mentally as well.

You will never be the same,
at least not the way you came.

Please forgive me, my precious baby boy.
I will fight against the tiresome war,
so no babies will suffer like you did before.

The third stanza is the weakest, doesn't flow at all.


male_pleasure_argument // 960x538 // 76.2KB Date     User nitro     Rating Unrated
Tags male_pleasure_argument


Message is good and the girl catches eyes, but the font color is bad.


featured_post meta_image // 1000x1000 // 37.3KB Date     User VaetanThought     Rating Unrated
Tags featured_post meta_image


The purpose of this post is to facilitate meta discussions on the images posted to this board, as well as for new members of this board to introduce themselves.

I'll begin. My handle is Vaetan Thought, which is the metareligion that I have founded and am working towards building to create a morally objective, consistent, and moderate world. I became opposed to circumcision and interested in foreskin restoration when I was in college in 2011, and I didn't become an activist on the issue until 2017.
You can use BBCode (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBCode) in your comments and on the wiki, and it is a requirement if you want your URLs to show up as hyperlinks.

Since Intactiwiki is closed to registration, we will be re-creating our own pages in the wiki for this site, with the pages associate with a tag. For instance, Arguments pro circumcision will be "List of pro-circumcision arguments" and each line-item will be a tag:

- hygiene argument
- marriageability argument
- relative privation argument
- etc.
For memes that exist just to get a chuckle out of intactivists, what should we call them? "funny", "comedy", or "humor"? I've been using "funny".
Use the tag "all_text" to indicate whether a meme has all text in it, or if there are images/formatting.
Should tags for websites be the names of the organizations:
Intact_America Saving_Our_Sons The_WHOLE_Network
or the urls?
IntactAmerica.org SavingSons.org TheWholeNetwork.org
I want to combine the tags "male-female_comparison" and "double_standard" since I can't think of a time when comparing boys and girls won't be a double standard. What should it be called?


I know it's wordy, but I want every tag that represents an argument to end in _argument like hygiene_argument or sensation_argument.
I've started the list of tags on the wiki Tags.
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